Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Amjad Mumtaz Khan
Aligarh Muslim University,India
Keynote: Design, synthesis, and characterization of carbon-based nanocomposites with conducting polymers /metal oxides and their application
Time : 10:00-10:30

Dr. Amjad Mumtaz Khan joined Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, India in 2011 on permanent position as Assistant Professor at a young age. His area of specialization is Analytical chemistry and research interest includes chromatography, development of new nano materials in environmental pollution control and drug delivery systems. He has published 23 research articles in high impact journals of international repute and also published 5 book chapters in international publications such as CRC Press and Apple Academic Press.
Currently the knowledge of low dimensional nanomaterial’s attains global consideration, due to their outstandingapplications in various fields such as sustainable energy,electrocatalysis, sensors, waste water management,environmental and bio-medical fields to have pollution freeenvironment. Thus, it becomes necessary to examine thepotential of low cost and ecofriendly two-dimensional (2D)nanomaterials. These 2D nanomaterials include carbonnanotubes, graphene oxide, layered metal hydroxides(LMHs) [layered single metal hydroxides (LSHs) and layereddouble hydroxides (LDHs)], graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), metal carbides, nitrides (MXenes) and single- orfew-layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs).Organic-inorganic hybrid materials combine theadvantages of synergistic interactions from organic andinorganic precursors and possess promising applicationprospect. Layered double hydroxides (LDH’s) incorporatedwith carbon-based materials and other conducting polymershave been investigated due to their versatile and uniquefeatures.
Keynote Forum
Dénes Joó
University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania
Keynote: Dual Material Structure on Every Cosmic Level

After the „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, he studied Mathematics, Economy, Sociology in Cluj-Napoca-city, Postgradual Settlement and Regional Planning in Bucharest, and parallel Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology, Logic, Philosophy and other disciplines without limits/titles. Elaborating new mathematical prognosis models, he extended the Futures Research to the Systemic Evolutions Research as a new synthesis in the science, extending it from the terrestrial to the cosmic evolution, from the micro- to the macro-world, including the Pyramids Research. Budapest, 10.10.2020.
Based on the spheric-toroidal duality – in addition to the well-known nucleonic (sphere in torus) material structure – results the bionic (torus in sphere) material structure too. Elaborating the Whole Periodic System [1] through extension of the actual officially recognized Periodic Table from 118 to 558 nucleonic structured elements plus two pre-elements and the transitional/start element Etheron, resulted the necessity for structural beauty to intercalate – perpendicular to the disc formed by the eight known axes – a new ninth axis composed by the bionic structured elements [7]. These two element-types are structured by a core and a coating, but – as corollary of the sphere-torus duality – in dual arrangement: the nucleonic structure consists of spheric core (protons and neutrons formed by Gluons and Quarks) and toroidal coating (electronic cloud), while the bionic structure by toroidal core (Quintonic Bions) and spherical coating (electronic/etheronic Fulleren- cages), similarly to the supramolecular structures, both functioning fractal-like on every cosmic level. Extrapolating on global cosmic level, these structures correspond to the notes of a diatonic musical system, composed by pentatonic and octavic scales, the suitable cosmic evolutionary phases after the main contributors of their approach called by me in temporal order Ginzburg, and Einstein phases. In higher dimensions the bionic structured/Ginzburg phase consists of 5 Big Pentatonic Levels (Icosa, Dodeka, Octa, Hexa, Tetra) with invariant ring-hypertoroidal bionic cores and the suitable hyperspheric LeSage-like cages, while the nucleonic structured/Einstein phase is composed by 7 Big Octavic Levels (Tachionic, Noethic-Conscious, Etheric-Sensitive, Atomic-Subatomic, Astral-Galactic, Universal, Multiversal) with solid hyperspheric nucleons embedded into the suitable hollow spindle-hypertori. The nucleonic-bionic transition is followed by a spindle-toroidal explosion, while the bionic-nucleonic one by a horn-toroidal implosion. The transition between the levels is etheronic one.
Keynote Forum
Dénes Joó
University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, Romania
Keynote: Dual Material Structure on Every Cosmic Level
Time : 10:30-11:00

After the „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, he studied Mathematics, Economy, Sociology in Cluj-Napoca-city, Postgradual Settlement and Regional Planning in Bucharest, and parallel Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology, Logic, Philosophy and other disciplines without limits/titles. Elaborating new mathematical prognosis models, he extended the Futures Research to the Systemic Evolutions Research as a new synthesis in the science, extending it from the terrestrial to the cosmic evolution, from the micro- to the macro-world, including the Pyramids Research. Budapest, 10.10.2020.
Based on the spheric-toroidal duality – in addition to the well-known nucleonic (sphere in torus) material structure – results the bionic (torus in sphere) material structure too. Elaborating the Whole Periodic System [1] through extension of the actual officially recognized Periodic Table from 118 to 558 nucleonic structured elements plus two pre-elements and the transitional/start element Etheron, resulted the necessity for structural beauty to intercalate – perpendicular to the disc formed by the eight known axes – a new ninth axis composed by the bionic structured elements [7]. These two element-types are structured by a core and a coating, but – as corollary of the sphere-torus duality – in dual arrangement: the nucleonic structure consists of spheric core (protons and neutrons formed by Gluons and Quarks) and toroidal coating (electronic cloud), while the bionic structure by toroidal core (Quintonic Bions) and spherical coating (electronic/etheronic Fulleren- cages), similarly to the supramolecular structures, both functioning fractal-like on every cosmic level. Extrapolating on global cosmic level, these structures correspond to the notes of a diatonic musical system, composed by pentatonic and octavic scales, the suitable cosmic evolutionary phases after the main contributors of their approach called by me in temporal order Ginzburg, and Einstein phases. In higher dimensions the bionic structured/Ginzburg phase consists of 5 Big Pentatonic Levels (Icosa, Dodeka, Octa, Hexa, Tetra) with invariant ring-hypertoroidal bionic cores and the suitable hyperspheric LeSage-like cages, while the nucleonic structured/Einstein phase is composed by 7 Big Octavic Levels (Tachionic, Noethic-Conscious, Etheric-Sensitive, Atomic-Subatomic, Astral-Galactic, Universal, Multiversal) with solid hyperspheric nucleons embedded into the suitable hollow spindle-hypertori. The nucleonic-bionic transition is followed by a spindle-toroidal explosion, while the bionic-nucleonic one by a horn-toroidal implosion. The transition between the levels is etheronic one.