Amjad Mumtaz Khan
Aligarh Muslim University,India
Title: Design, synthesis, and characterization of carbon-based nanocomposites with conducting polymers /metal oxides and their application
Biography: Amjad Mumtaz Khan
Currently the knowledge of low dimensional nanomaterial’s attains global consideration, due to their outstandingapplications in various fields such as sustainable energy,electrocatalysis, sensors, waste water management,environmental and bio-medical fields to have pollution freeenvironment. Thus, it becomes necessary to examine thepotential of low cost and ecofriendly two-dimensional (2D)nanomaterials. These 2D nanomaterials include carbonnanotubes, graphene oxide, layered metal hydroxides(LMHs) [layered single metal hydroxides (LSHs) and layereddouble hydroxides (LDHs)], graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), metal carbides, nitrides (MXenes) and single- orfew-layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs).Organic-inorganic hybrid materials combine theadvantages of synergistic interactions from organic andinorganic precursors and possess promising applicationprospect. Layered double hydroxides (LDH’s) incorporatedwith carbon-based materials and other conducting polymershave been investigated due to their versatile and uniquefeatures.