Orlando Auciello
University of Texas Dallas
Auciello graduated with MS (1973) and Ph.D. (1976) degrees in Physics from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo-Argentina. EE-Universidad de Córdoba-Argentina (1970). Researcher-University of Toronto-Canada (1979-1984), Associate Professor-NCSU-USA (1985-1988), Distinguished Scientist-MCNC-USA (1988-1996), Distinguished Argonne Fellow (1996-2012)- Argonne National Laboratory-USA. Currently, Auciello is Distinguished Chair-University of Texas-Dallas. Auciello is directing basic and applied research programs on multifunctional oxide and novel ultra Nano crystalline diamond (UNCD) films and their application to industrial, high-tech, and medical devices. The UNCD film technology is commercialized for industrial products by Advanced Diamond Technologies, founded by Auciello and colleagues, (2003, profitable in 2014), and by Original Biomedical Implants (OBI- the USA, 2013) and OBI-México (2016) for medical devices. Auciello has edited 30 books and published about 550 articles in several fields, holds 20 patents, He is associate editor of APL and Integrated Ferroelectrics, He was President of the Materials Research Society (2013) Auciello is a Fellow of AAAS and MRS.
Research Interest
Materials Science